Top Tips To Restart Your Exercise Routine

Every now and then, even the most avid exercise enthusiast may need a break. Maybe there was a family emergency that needed seeing to. Perhaps a sudden illness sidelined them for a bit. Maybe it was just time to take a rest. Whatever the case, that individual may well decide to get back to their exercise routine after some time off.

Are you one of those individuals? Could you use a little advice as to how to get back on track? When it’s time to restart your exercise routine and get that heart rate back up, we’ve got some easy tips to follow.


Keep It Simple – Keep It Short

Is the thought of getting back to your exercise routine leaving you with an utterly overwhelmed feeling? It should help to keep things simple at first. Just get moving. Try a light jog or brisk walk rather than committing to heavy weight sessions at the gym.

Rather than thinking half hour, 45 minutes, or one hour workouts, try it for five minutes. It’s a lot less daunting to think of exercising for five minutes than for an hour! You’re more likely to keep going once you’re up and moving, so start slow.

Do It for You

Remember, you’re not working out for your kids or your spouse or your significant other. You are working out for yourself. Aim to be your best, have more confidence, and feel great by being healthy and fit.

There’s More to Life Than Just the Gym

Though going to the gym every day is great, there’s more to being healthy and fit than just the gym. You’re more likely to enjoy your routine if you incorporate other exercises and mix up your workouts. Consider walking the dog, jogging on the beach, social sports, and more.

Share the Burden

This means simply finding someone with whom you can work out. A family member, work colleague, or a friend could be the perfect exercise buddy you need to bring a little fun to the endeavor of becoming more fit. You can also help each other stick to the routine and motivate each other.

Start with a Short Challenge Or Goal

As suggested earlier, quick five minute workouts are a good way to start back up again without overwhelming yourself. To kickstart your routine, consider taking on a short one month challenge. These are offered by numerous camps, yoga studios, and gyms. Once you’re back into good exercise habits, thanks to that one month challenge, longer goals are more easily achievable.

What’s in the Bag?

Your gym bag, that is. Particularly if you’re starting early in the day, you want to make sure that your gym bag is prepared. Lay it out next your bed after packing it the night before. You’re less likely to back out if you’re all set and ready to go.

Dear Diary…

If you keep a calendar with scheduled meetings and activities, or if you’re into diaries, make sure that your workout is noted. This is a commitment of sorts. It will also help you make time for your workouts and lessen the opportunity for distraction.

Remember That Great Feeling!

Sometimes, rather than concentrating on the outcome, we put too much thought into the effort of every workout. Try to remember that awesome “high” right after your workout. Additionally, remember how great you feel and look when you’re physically fit.

If you need help tracking your heart rate, activity level, and more, one of today’s premier wearable health devices is the Samsung powered Health Assist Watch. This incredible device can even monitor your stress level – and who couldn’t use a little less stress these days? If you’d like to know more about purchasing this wearable health device, click here.

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